
…im Spielzeit Katalog des Theater Vorpommern in Greifswald & Stralsund. (Copyright: JR Stöckl)

…im Spielzeit Katalog des Theater Vorpommern in Greifswald & Stralsund. (Copyright: JR Stöckl)


LEAVING Ziller Valley…

- Ein Monodrama von Julia Rosa Peer und Reinhard Göber.

Premiere Teil 1:
8. Oktober 2011 Diva Monodrama Festival, Österreich

Premiere Teil 2:
13. Oktober 2013 Diva Monodrama Festival, Österreich

Sprachen: Deutsch & Englisch

Leaving Ziller Valley
untersucht den Heimatbegriff in einer globalisierten Welt und die daraus resultierende Einsamkeit. Das Stück wurde im Rahmen einer Stückentwicklung für das DIVA Monodrama Festival produziert, in 3 Sprachen übersetzt und  in 14 Ländern weltweit aufgeführt.

Leaving Ziller Valley tells the story of the young Tyrolean manager Elizabeth. Alienated and lost from jet-setting between high-end hotels from Paris to Shangai, she decides to stay in New York. Maybe in this city full of dreamers, she can find what she is looking for: a place that she can call home and where she can ultimately find herself.

“Leaving Ziller Valley revolves around the German conceptual term "Heimat" (plainly defined as the relationship one may have to a particular place) and explores its meaning through a dramatic, vibrant and energetic theatrical presentation. The performance also displays a personal quest for identity, emotional security, and a sense of belonging and purpose, away from the comfort of one's home. It shows how relativity comes with a term or a word being understood differently across regions, and how several elements beyond physical or spacial environment constitute "home." - (IAPAR Festival India)


If I could be a number, I would choose ZERO, because ZERO can’t be divided.

Because ZERO doesn’t want to be multiplied with other numbers. Because ZERO makes sense by itself. 

I am a ZERO. And this is the end. 


Ist Heimat eine Sehnsucht?

Etwas, das man nicht haben kann? 

Heimat ist....Home is... 

Being. In the moment. 

Zuhause ist der Moment. 

Der Augenblick. 

This performance was supported by Land Tirol, Bundeskanzleramt für Kunst & Kultur Österreich, Gemeinde Tux und dem Tourismusverband Tux.